Eliminate Inflammation to Help Improve Your Quality of Life!

May 26, 2019

Eliminate Inflammation to Help Improve Your Quality of Life!

Hey, it’s Andre Heletsi, from Missing Link Physical Therapy, blogging once again. Today, I want to talk about inflammation. I’m not talking about inflammation in the joint or inflammation in the muscles, I’m talking about inflammation in the gut and HOW it relates to joint and muscle pain. Inflammation in the gut is chronic and is caused by foods that are genetically modified, including pesticides, and hormones. How is this related to the joints you ask? Well, with inflammation in the gut, you’re unable to absorb nutrients. With the inability to absorb nutrients, you can then experience fogginess in the head and joint/muscle pain. Today is the day to CHANGE what you are putting into your body.

I’m going to share my story with you. I suffered from HORRIBLE acid reflux and pain in my left hip. With taking out certain foods that were harmful to my gut, that changed! It has been a year and I have not experienced any acid reflux or hip pain. For those unaware, we have a lunch and learn every Wednesday and Friday from 12:15- 12:45 pm. This is to educate you on what you should add to your diet and what you should remove from your body in order to help you ENJOY your life. This is for the individual who is always tired, suffering from acid reflux, bloating, the inability to lose weight, or just has lost the love of life because of how you feel.

Cleansing your body is so important. Why? Because, even if you change your diet, your body is still on high alert. So the good foods that you eat are not being absorbed because of the inflammation that is already there. You need to cleanse your body in order for the good foods to be accepted and the nutrients to be absorbed. So again, please come to our lunch and learns, that we have every Wednesday and Friday from 12:15 to 12:45 to get educated on eating better and improving your life!